Community Foundation becomes official

Wade Young

The board of the new Community Foundation signs papers on Wednesday, Aug. 15 making it official. Pictured are board members (front, from left) Mick McGuire, John Grimm, LaNette Kuelper, (back) Alissa Oeltjenbruns, Community Philanthropy Director for the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation that will serve as the fiscal host, and board members Tom Washa, Liz Krocak and Maggie Grimm. (Wade Young Photo)

A way to keep programs moving forward in Montgomery and an avenue for people to pay it forward or leave a legacy to the community became official last Wednesday.


A board of six residents signed papers to create the Community Foundation in Montgomery whose goal is to keep Montgomery vital and bring opportunities to town by granting money to programs and individual projects. 


It also provides a way for people to donate or bequeath parts of an estate directly to Montgomery’s future and programs.


Alissa Oeltjenbruns, Community Philanthropy Director for the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) who will manage and invest the Foundation’s funds, said the Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports an entire community by uniting people and gathering resources to address needs and opportunities now and into the future. 


Its mission statement is: Serving the greater Montgomery area by supporting programs and projects that build a stronger community. 


Oelsjenbruns said it is a good thing that Montgomery established one because of how important it is to the community’s future.


See more in the print edition.


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