Dear Mother Nature,

Wade Young

Whatever we did, we are sorry!    

After torturing us with a miserable February with cold and A LOT of snow, you eased up in March and melted your frozen winter rage that flooded many of our homes and fields.

In April, you graced us with beautiful spring weather. Last weekend, you teased us and tipped the thermometer with 70-degree days! Thank you!

However, today, Wednesday, April 10, for whatever reason, you are freezing us out again and squeezing the clouds with more snow!

Enough is enough!

Our beautiful spring perennial plants that are starting to peak through the ground are now covered in wet, heavy snow.

Our roads are slippery - AGAIN!

We have to dig out our shovels, and snow plows - AGAIN!

We have to put on heavy parkas just to stay warm - AGAIN!

We have to postpone some spring sports.

Events have been canceled, like our spring severe weather awareness event.

To make matters worse, you seem so ticked off, it sounds like your fury will continue through Friday.

Whatever we did, Mother Nature, we sincerely apologize.

If you are the negotiating type, can we entice you with a tasty gift?

We make the best kolacky around! What’s your flavor preference? Apple, apricot, raspberry, prune or poppyseed?

We’ll give you whatever you want to pass on a message to Old Man Winter: “Get the heck out of here!”
Your friends in Montgomery


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