Thousands turn out for Swap Meet
The Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Association hosted its annual Swap Meet at its showgrounds near Le Sueur Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 26-28.
More than 800 vendors were registered for the meet, which is considered one of the largest in the nation.
Whether you were looking for antiques, collectibles, car and tractor parts, hardware, power equipment, toys, clothing, home-made candies and maple syrup or hand-crafted items, chances are someone had something you were looking for.
Friday morning, the first day of the swap meet, cars were lined up along the road and parked more than a mile from the overflowing show ground parking lot. Some enterprising neighbors were offering parking spots for $10 on their land.
Inside the showgrounds, people walked, rode golf carts or lawn tractors, some with trailers, or used hand-pulled wagons to haul away their purchases.
Attendance on Friday may have been boosted in part by people hoping to avoid the winter storm that had been forecast for Saturday, but the weather turned out better than expected over the weekend, helping keep numbers up on Saturday and Sunday.