Lonsdale moves fireworks

Due to unfavorable ground conditions, Tuesday’s fireworks display in Lonsdale is moving to the east end of town.
Lonsdale City Administrator Joel Erickson addressed the City Council Thursday night with a request submitted by Lonsdale Freedom Fireworks to the new business park.
Erickson said that drain tile at Trcka Park and recent rains have made the ground too soft for the fireworks display.
The new shoot site is located at the 1900 block of Commerce Drive Southeast. Lonsdale Freedom Fireworks representative, Mike Walters, said that this site is a good alternative and was previously used six years ago.
With the move, Commerce Drive Southeast will be temporarily closed from Garfield Avenue to the driveway on the east side of Dollar General. In addition the parks and recreation trail will be closed from Commerce Drive to Pond View Drive Southeast.
The fireworks display is July 3 at dusk and is put on by the organizers, Lonsdale Freedom Fireworks with assistance from the fire department and city of Lonsdale. Its funding is supported by community donations.