Congressional candidates state their case
The New Prague Community Action Network hosted its first candidate forum on Sunday, April 8, at the New Prague High School Lecture Room.
The forum gave the opportunity for congressional candidates from Minnesota’s First and Second Congressional Districts to speak to local residents about their positions on the issues. New Prague is divided between the two districts - Le Sueur County is in the First District and Scott County is in the Second District.
The first session featured four candidates for the first district race - all Democrats. They were Johnny Akzam, Vicki Jensen, Joe Sullivan and Rich Wright. Four other candidates were invited. Two, Democrat Dan Feehan and Republican Jim Hagedorn, declined, citing scheduling conflicts, and two others - Republican Carla Nelson and Democrat Robert Ries, did not respond. Incumbent Democrat Tim Walz is leaving the House to run for Governor.
After the candidates introduced themselves, moderators Deb Pexa and Jen Sayler read two questions to the candidates. The questions were provided ahead of time. the questions concerned finding common ground in a deeply divided Washington and what their top one or two priorities would be in Congress.
The candidates also answered two audience-submitted questions during the forum, which lasted about an hour.
The second portion, for the Second District - featured....
To see more on this story pick up the April 12, 2018 print edition of The New Prague Times.