Tri-City United junior Brandon Balma was named a recipient of the 2019 Minnesota State High School League ExCEL Award.
ExCEL - Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership - is a recognition program designed exclusively for Minnesota high school juniors who are active in school activities,...
Due to the impending bad weather forecasted for Thursday, Feb. 7, the New Prague Area Historical Society is cancelling its “Winter Meeting” on that date at the New Prague Library. Weather forecasted for that day is there is a 30 percent chance of snow showers in the evening, winds of 10 to 20...
New Prague Area Schools will be delayed 2-hours on Monday, February 4, 2019 due to icy road conditions.
Tri-City United High School crowned its SnoBall King and Queen at its dance on Saturday. Crowned King was Thomas Budin. Crowned Queen was Destiny Dunagan. Due to the extreme temperatures and school closings this week, the high school's SnoWeek activities were moved to next week. (Wade Young photo)
New Prague High School hold its coronation of Snoball Royalty during a pepfest Friday afternoon. Feb. 1. Brooklynn Isley and Noah Weichert were crowned Snoball queen and king. The royal court is pictured (front row, left to right) Danielle Burns, Baylee Rezac, Junior Princess Abigail Bisek, Junior...
The fire detectors and the WEM School in Waterville were activated when an air-handler belt broke and caused another to create a lot of smoke in the mechanical room. Friday, Feb. 1 at approximately 12:40 p.m. The students were all evacuated until Building and Maintenance Director Scott Allen and...
Tri-City United High School’s One Act advanced to Section Competition after placing second in last week’s Subsections in Jordan. Belle Plaine placed first.
Section competition will be held on Saturday in St. Peter High School and will see Belle Plaine again, as well as Maple River, NRHEG, St. Peter...
The WEM Board of Education is continuing through the process of planning for the upcoming building project.
A construction manager, R.A. Morton & Associates, Inc., had been selected earlier this month after interviews with four companies.
With this part in place, the board will approve the sale...
A project aimed at informing young people about the many career opportunities available in agriculture recently landed five 4-Hers a trip to Washington, D.C.
4-Hers Sydney and Addison Mitchell, daughters of David and Kim Greenwald- Mitchell of Waterville, and Olivia Balfanz, daughter of Missy and...
“Overwhelming” is how the Goulson family of New Prague felt on Friday, Jan. 25, as more than 450 people attended a fundraiser at Ridges at Sand Creek Golf Course near Jordan. The fundraiser was to show support and help the family with expenses not covered by insurance as mom Diane Goulson undergoes...