
My kids are ready, but this momma is still marking up the color-coded calendar and trying to figure out the logistics of getting everyone everywhere they need to be. I’m excited for my girls to participate in swimming, soccer, tennis, and volleyball, plus a babysitting clinic and a few other...
Two events that are important for many people around the area are happening this weekend. This coming Friday, May 28, is New Prague High School’s graduation ceremony and on Monday, May 31, it is Memorial Day when we honor those veterans who gave all for our country. As I was growing up Memorial Day...
When I said it was going to be a noisy construction season I didn’t realize how right I was going to be. Nearly every day has had the sound of construction vehicles beeping as they back up, the loud crunch as concrete or asphalt breaks apart, the metallic boom and the slight echo as dump trucks...
A week ago on Wednesday, April 21, I went to Le Center to get my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. It went well and the only side effect I had was that my shoulder was a bit sore for a day where I received the inoculation. About the only problem I had was that I have’t been to Le Center...
Last week Thursday was Earth Day! Earth Day is an annual global event, observed on April 22, that celebrates the environmental movement and raises awareness about pollution and ways to maintain a clean habitat. It started in 1970. Whether you agree with the notion of a climate crisis or not, we...
There is a lot happening in New Prague, our state and everywhere else. A person needs only to look at the front page to see things that have happened and that are coming up this weekend. The continuing street work has resulted in the uncovering of old steam lines that are covered in asbestos,...


A new bundle of joy My wife and I became new parents two weeks ago to a healthy, five-pound, four-legged bundle of joy that’s keeping us up at night and going through the developmental stages right before our eyes. I was the instigator to bringing home another fur baby. We had just moved into a...
I have been a huge music enthusiast ever since I got that first transistor radio when I was six or seven years old. As I got older, my music boxes continued to get bigger and louder. The transistor just didn’t cut it. So I got another radio, which had not only a large speaker in it, but you could...
More than once I’ve heard the saying, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” For those who want to get technical it is based on a Robert Burns poem “To a Mouse” that is originally, “The best-laid schemes of mice and men, Go oft awry.” Awry is a good word for the last few days. Work...
We missed Easter this year. Well, most of it. My family of four (my husband, John, daughters Anna, age 11, and Ellen, age 9, and myself) recently spent a week in Florida with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s family of five. They have three kiddos—ages 7, 5, and 3, and one more on the way....

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