
Daylight saving time has returned, prompting many to celebrate with an eye toward warmer temps and the change of seasons. As if on cue, this is a great time as well to celebrate newspapers and the sunshine they deliver to all of our lives and communities. Reminding citizens and public officials...
Spring has sprung, at least in the meteorological sense. As of Monday, March 1, the sun will be out longer and the temperature will get warmer. Judging by the forecast that will definitely be true as temperatures will be in the 40s for most of the week and a prediction of the 50s for the weekend....
I wanted a unicycle. I was 10 years old and wanted nothing else—just a unicycle. I begged for one for my birthday. Begged. I cut a picture of one out of a magazine and dreamed of riding the darn thing around my driveway. I would have been so cool. But, instead, I got a pogo stick. My parents were “...
For many of us the end of this month is the time that the COVID-19 pandemic really started taking affect on our lives. Like many I had been hearing about the Coronavirus here and there in the news and then kept hearing more about it. In late February of 2020 I was spending the weekend with friends...
It just isn’t the same but I guess it is all we have at this time. I have attended thousands of games during my newspaper career. You get used to many things when traveling to different schools, gyms, and communities. You get used to things at your own school. The first thing is knowing where...
February is known for Valentine’s Day, heart boxes, roses, and cards proclaiming enduring love. It is also known for something a lot more important than candy hearts and chocolate. February 1 to March 1 is Black History Month. Historian Carter G. Woodson, the second Black man to earn a Ph.D....
That seems to be the question everyone is asking themselves: When is it my turn to get the COVID-19 vaccination? I open my online health care portal almost weekly to see if I have received the message from my healthcare provider that I’m next to get the shot, poke, or jab, or whatever you want to...
All it took was a mouth full of expired, curdled milk. And, my darling daughter, Ellen, learned another valuable life lesson! Always check the expiration date. My little redhead was simultaneously horrified by the sour, chunky experience and astonished to learn that those little, hard-to-...
Let me begin this by saying I apologize if I came across as too flippant in last week’s piece. February is Black History Month and it is a time to take a deeper look at the inventions, accomplishments and contributions of our fellow Americans. For me personally there is journalist Ida B. Wells,...
It’s the first week of February and that means there are already reminders being sent out as to what is being observed this month. Perhaps the three most well known are Valentine’s Day, Black History Month and American Heart Month. Of course there are those observances that are likely not as well...

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