
On Tuesday, Nov. 3, hundreds of millions of Americans will exercise a very important right - the right to vote. We will cast our ballot on a simple - yet important - piece of paper. The ballot. As long as this country has existed, people have had to fight and even die, for our right to vote....
I’m not a fan of autumn. Mostly, because I know what season comes after it - the loooong one with only a few hours of sunlight, bitter cold temperatures and snow. Oh, the snow. The older I get, the more I hate the snow. However, this year, for some odd reason, it was a good autumn. Temperatures...
I imagine that headline already has a few people thinking, “How dare you!” or “Bite your tongue!” The fact still remains we received snow on Tuesday and the temperatures in the area have been in the 30s for the last few days. Which is in fahrenheit, if it was celsius it would be around -1 degree....
About every four weeks, my sixth grader, Anna, has to report to her class on a current event. She needs to report on one local, one state, one national, and one world headline throughout the school year. The students present their findings on a rotating basis, so the classroom gets a few “top news...
When October rolls around each year, most people’s thoughts go to Halloween, a time for costumes, jack o’lanterns, Trick or Treat, candy and for some adults decorations and their own parties. Of course there are a few thoughts about leaves falling to the ground. But the month is also one where...
The time has come again, another turn of the seasons as we see summer begin to fade away and fall arrive with a burst of colors. The leaves on trees are turning a bright red, yellow or orange. Some trees are just getting hints of those autumn colors with more green standing out, others give a hint...
While the United State general election, Tuesday. Nov. 3, is still more than one month away, people do have the option to do early voting, which opens this Friday, Sept. 18. The option for early voting in Minnesota runs until Monday, Nov. 2, although dates and hours may vary based on where you live...
As we all know this entire year has been one where we’ve had to make changes and see people get creative due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve especially been seeing how the pandemic has been affecting sports. For the professional sports it’s meant stadiums of very few if any fans. High school sports...
There have been many changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many activities that several creative spirits have decided to put their own spin on. There have been parades for birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Recently people have been holding their own versions of the State Fair...
In an about a week students at New Prague Area Schools will be going back to school, although it will be different from past years. Instead of one big day where school faculty, from teachers to principals, are out greeting young students or where middle school and high school students are trying to...

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