
This week marks the beginning of my 21st year at The New Prague Times and it’s definitely not how I imagined it would be. Talking with Tony Buthe with the New Prague Area Schools and Chuck Kajer’s name came up. His death is still something that’s hard to accept. It’s been a year of learning all of...
Are you serious? Are you really considering not to mask, even when it’s been mandated in Minnesota? I know it’s not the most comfortable, but I don’t find tight jeans or bathing suits very comfortable either, so I avoid them when possible. But should we avoid wearing masks? I don’t think so and...
One of the recent positive news items that has been popping up lately is the comet Neowise. It was discovered earlier this year and apparently there are only a few more days left for people to be able to see it this month. After that, the next time the comet is scheduled to come near Earth is 6,800...
There are people who are slowly moving back to normal due to the COVID-19 pandemic, others have been moving more quickly and some never made any changes at all. Personally I think I’ve been all over the map. One way I haven’t changed is that I’m still coming in to work. A little hard to report news...
It is now that other season in Minnesota, road construction. After several weeks of waiting, the Main Street 2020 project is now underway. Currently the work is on the west end of Main Street near the intersection with Highway 21. This is a project that the city, working with the Minnesota...
The Bob Dylan song “The Times They Are a-Changin’” is one that seems very appropriate over the last few months. Dylan’s song was released in 1964, another time of changes, social unrest, racial tension, protests, and an ongoing war. There was even an influenza pandemic, but that came near the end...
Even though technically summer doesn’t officially start until June 20, nothing says its summer than temperatures in the high 80s or low 90s with lots of humidity. Like many Minnesotans summer carries a lot of memories for me. A time for biking around the neighborhood or, when older, going all...
Life lessons are playing out in front of our eyes. Are we paying attention? The death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes, has sparked outrage, protests, riots, violence, looting, and arson in...
Times are crazy now. The economy is scary. People are protesting over businesses staying closed. Masks are the recommended new facial accessory. We aren’t supposed to hug when we see people anymore. Six feet - that’s as close as we can get when talking to someone. Kids are frustrated they’re...
So much has changed in the world in the last few weeks. We’re entering unchartered territory in this fight against COVID-19. Everyone at Suel Printing Company's newspapers (Montgomery Messenger, The New Prague Times, Waterville Lake Region Life and Elysian Enterprise) remains dedicated to providing...

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