Schneid Remarks
There are definitely struggles for everyone when it comes to dealing with COVID-19.
With all-school Distance Learning just starting at WEM, there are concerns from parents, students, and staff at how things will
I know that the administration and staff have put in many, many hours trying to put together a learning model which will not only coincide with state guidelines, but also will be the best for students.
WEM high school student Grace Peach created and distributed a google form to all high school students and staff regarding their
opinions on how they think the distance learning schedule should work.
She sent this questionnaire out Nov. 11 and received 135 responses back from both students and teachers 24 hours later.
I applaud Grace for doing this. It brought forward some significant concerns of students and staff.
"I am aware that many of these answers are not options due to the regulations that the state has set in place, but I hope that I can show you how the students feel about distance learning," Peach wrote.
She asked two questions and also allowed a spot where additional thoughts could be presented.
The first question that was asked was, "How should full distance learning work?"
More than half that responded said that zone schedule from 8:40 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. should only be on Wednesdays.
Nearly one fourth responded that zooms be scheduled for only two days a week.
Ten percent responded that zooms be scheduled for three days a week.
The second question state was, "How should attendance be counted?"
More than 75 percent of those who answered said that zoom attendance should be optional (for students that seek additional help or guidance) and teachers decide how to count attendance.
Seventeen percent believe that attendance should be required.
There were 33 additional responses shared and Peach picked out a handful of them to share.
* I think zoom calls should be open during the class period but not required to be checked into, instead use a different app that we can hit a button to check in.
* Nobody wants to sit in front of a computer for 6-7 hours, if the work is given, it will get done by students who care.
* This is the way colleges carry their classes which is what we're preparing for in high school.
* I think everyone agrees that Monday through Friday is too much because on days we already have zoom calls almost all of us don't get a chance to do any homework until after all the zoom meetings.
Peach summarized her information by saying that staff and students are concerned about the distance learning plan.
"I know that we are just students and we may not understand all the guidelines that the state puts forth, but I hope that this information can help you understand how we feel, because we will be the ones living through this for the coming months," Peach said.
Please support students and staff any chance you can. The following weeks and months will be tough on everyone so positivity is needed whenever possible.