Elly Franek is named Teacher of the Month

Elly Franek (center), a teacher at Holy Redeemer School, holds the check that was presented to her as the winner of the Teacher of the Month Contest by Catholic Schools Center of Excellence. She is pictured with Rebecca Ausmus who nominated her and Rebecca’s son, Zachary, who is one of Franek’s students.
A third/fourth grade teacher at Holy Redeemer School received a special surprise and a new title to be proud of ... Teacher of the Month.
“She is very much deserving,” said Rebecca Ausmus who nominated Elly Franek, in the Catholic Schools Center of Excellence (CSCOE) Teacher of the Month Contest. Franek, who teaches Ausmus’ son, Zachary, received $1,000 for herself and $1,000 for her class. When asked what she plans to use the money for, she said she’s still thinking about it.
People nominated their students’ teachers through CSCOE’s social media accounts, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter until November 29. Franek was chosen on Friday, Nov. 30 and was surprised with her giant check after school.
Ausmus said Franek is a phenomenal teacher who has gone above and beyond to help her son succeed in school.
Read more in the print edition.