Staying positive during COVID
The task can seem daunting. Staying positive during the COVID pandemic has felt - at times - like I am climbing Mount Everest.
How can we expect to be positive when officials tell us the pandemic rages on?
We can’t be with family during Thanksgiving.
Our kids’ sports are cancelled, then started again. They play, but then the season ends when kids get sick.
The kids are in school, then are told their distance learning because too many people are getting sick.
I am a glass-half-full type of person. I am geared to seeing things with a positive eye, however, the surreal life we’re all living has made it tough. I searched for tips, and found a column by Chicago Tribune columnist, Mary Schmich with some recommendations:
Be generous
Anxiety is its own contagion. A little act of kindness can break the chain. Donate some money to a local food bank or another agency that may be overwhelmed as this health crisis spreads.
Look for the light
If you have the virus, or think you might, and you’re in “self-isolation” — our national word of the year — sit by the window. If you’re not self-isolating, step outside and face the sun. Natural light is the sanitizer of the dark soul.
Don’t wallow in the news
Being informed is good. Constant consumption - especially with social media - is like bathing in a swamp. Listen to music. Read a book. Phone a friend.
Be careful where you get your information
Double-check before you share.
Enough said.
It helps. Exercise. Meditate. Do yoga. Take a walk, if it’s not too cold. Get some fresh air, even if it means simply opening a window.
Repeat this word:
This is not the first or the worst crisis in the history of humanity. And any crisis, by revealing systemic shortcomings in the ability to handle it, can lead to improvements.
It may not be the best medicine, but it doesn’t hurt.