TCU golfers place 2nd at Montgomery National

Jay Schneider
Titan Gavin Blaschko attempts a put on the third hole at Montgomery National Golf Course.

Jarrod Schoenecker photo

Senior Titan Gavin Blaschko attempts a putt on the third hole at the April 22 home meet at Montgomery National Golf Course. It’s Baschko’s first year on the team but coaches are impressed with his abilities.

Four Tri-City United (TCU) golfers scored below 50 during the Monday, April 22 Minnesota River Conference Meet at Montgomery National.

TCU shot a team score of 189 to place second in the five-team event. Le Sueur-Henderson won the championship with a score of 189. Third through fifth included Belle Plaine (194), Mayer Lutheran/Lester Prairie (205), and Norwood-Young America (incomplete).

Trenton Pelowski led a very balanced group of golfers with a 9-hole score of 46. Carter Beulke shot a 47 and Eian O’Keefe and Jacob Neubauer tied with 48s.

Also scoring on the varsity were Gavin Blaschko with a 51 and Tyler Gogerty with a 67.

The Titans will compete Monday, April 29 at Glencoe Country Club.

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