Calling all young Czechs! -Miss Czech-Slovak MN Pageant seeks candidates

The Miss Czech-Slovak Minnesota Pageant is now accepting applications for candidacy for junior ambassadors and queens for the 36th Annual Miss Czech-Slovak Minnesota Pageant.
An informational open house will be held at the Montgomery Public Library, 104 Oak Ave, on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 12-1:30 p.m. Potential candidates will have the opportunity to meet with board members, ask questions and learn about the opportunities.
Those not able to attend the open house can also ask questions and meet with board members at Czech and Sokol Minnesota, 383 W Michigan St, in St. Paul, at 12 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 23.
All contestants must be at least of partial Czech, Slovak, Moravian, Silesian, or Rusyn descent to participate in the pageant. Boys and girls ages 11-15 can compete to be a junior ambassador. Young ladies ages 16-25 can compete to be queen, princess and miss congeniality.
Winners receive a cash award, crown, and a year of memorable appearances throughout the state of Minnesota. The new queen will also compete in the Miss Czech-Slovak U.S. Pageant in Wilber, Neb.
Entries are due no later than Feb. 15, 2025. The 36th Annual Miss Czech-Slovak Minnesota Pageant will be held at the Montgomery American Legion on April 12, 2025, with the dinner at 5 p.m. and pageant starting at 7 p.m.
Those who are looking for more information, entry forms, or have questions can find more information on their website,, by visiting one of the two sessions mentioned, or can find more information through their Facebook page.