Le Sueur Co. to reopen June 1

After more than two months of its government buildings being closed to the public, Le Sueur County is reopening most of its offices and specific services on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 8 a.m. with the exception of Court Administration, which will be open to the public on June 8, 2020.
According to a press release Friday, the county is taking a cautious, phased approach to reopening and implementing new processes and procedures to protect the health and safety of employees and the community.
All business that can be conducted remotely will continue to be done in that manner. Staff continues to be available via phone or email. Documents and/or payments can be dropped off in a secure drop box located on the west side of the Courthouse at 88 South Park Ave in Le Center.
If business cannot be conducted remotely, and people plan to visit one of the buildings, the public is asked to follow the following process:
- Most of the exterior doors to the buildings will remain locked. The pubic will be allowed to enter the west door of the Courthouse and the main entry of the Justice Center.
- A staff person or a telephone will be available at the west entry of the courthouse to direct the public.
- Make an appointment if possible.
- Come alone.
- Utilize hand sanitizing stations upon entry.
- Maintain social distancing of six feet between customers.
- Limit of one customer at a service counter at a time.
- Wearing a cloth face mask is strongly encouraged, but not required.
- Customers will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, head ache, muscle aches, loss of taste or smell. Anyone exhibiting these symptoms will not be allowed into the building.
The License Bureau will be offering motor vehicle and driver’s license services beginning Wed. June 3, 2020, from the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Due to an anticipated surge of customers, we ask that customers please follow the following guidelines:
- Please limit one person per transaction.
- A limited number of people will be allowed inside the building. Be prepared to wait.
- The county will be using an online check-in system to assist customers. Call 507-357-8161 or visit www.co.le-sueur.mn.us for more information on being added to the list.
- If you are renewing a driver’s license, please apply online at www.drive.mn.gov before coming in.
- When applying for a Real ID or Enhanced ID, if you are missing, or have incorrect documentation, the county will not be able to assist you.
- The Real ID deadline has been extended to October 1, 2021.
For additional information on the operations of other county departments, visit www.co.le-sueur.mn.us or call 507-357-2251.