Local news coverage during shutdowns

So much has changed in the world in the last few weeks.

We’re entering unchartered territory in this fight against COVID-19.

Everyone at Suel Printing Company's newspapers (Montgomery Messenger, The New Prague Times, Waterville Lake Region Life and Elysian Enterprise) remains dedicated to providing you with a high-quality newspaper with consistent news coverage and delivery.

That said, we’re doing what we can with the resources we have to keep ourselves, our families, and our sources healthy.

Covering the news during a time of school closures, activity cancelations, and social distancing is going to be challenging. We will need your help.

Please send in your news stories and photos and work with us over the phone, email, Facebook, texting or Facebook Messenging.

Now, more than ever, we need your help to bring readers the news.

Help us tell and document this chapter of our local history. We’re in this together.

Here is our contact information:
Wade Young wade@montgomerymnnews.com
Jay Schneider: lrlife@frontiernet.net
Lisa Ingebrand: lrnews@frontiernet.net
Patrick Fisher: pfisher@newpraguetimes.com
Andrea Nelson: andrea@montgomerymnnews.com

Office numbers:
Montgomery Messenger: 507-364-8601
Lake Region Life/Elysian Enterprise: 507-362-4495
The New Prague Times/Suel Printing Co.: 952-758-4435


Suel Printing Company

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All Rights Reserved
200 Main St E
New Prague, MN 56071

Phone: 952-758-4435
Fax: 952-758-4135

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