Letter to the Editor: Krocak letter

This past week I saw a literature piece that I assume was sent to almost all households in Lanesburg Township. It was a hit piece about candidate Liz Krocak who is running for a county board seat. The authors of this mailing did not have the courage to sign their names,  which tells me a lot about what I need to know about their character. An unsigned letter isn't worth the paper it is written on.

I have worked hand-in-hand with Liz for many years on multiple community projects. Liz is second to no one when it comes to integrity, trustworthiness, and hard work. She has volunteered countless hours to make our great community an even better place to live.

Residents of Le Sueur County are very fortunate to have two outstanding candidates running for this position. I couldn't say a derogatory word about either one of them. That someone would go as low as they did and not have the courage to own up to it is simply despicable.

Mick McGuire

— Montgomery, Minn.

(This is a paid political letter to the editor.)


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