Opening weekend wiped out in DRS
As expected, all Dakota- Rice-Scott League baseball games scheduled for opening day, Sunday, April 22, were postponed due to field conditions.
Sunday was a beautiful day, with temperatures reaching 60 degrees, but the 12 inches or more of snow from the previous week left fields in the area unplayable.
Games that were postponed were Prior Lake at Shakopee (no makeup set), Lonsdale at St. Patrick (makeup date June 23), Veseli at New Market (no makeup date), Webster at St. Benedict (no makeup date) and Union Hill at New Prague (makeup date June 2). Also postponed was a none-league game, Rochester Royals at Faribault, with no makeup date set.
A non-league game scheduled for Saturday, April 28, with St. Patrick traveling to Fairfax, has been cancelled and will not be made up.
The DRS League will try again for opening day on April 29, if field conditions allow it. Already three games have been postponed - Faribault at St. Patrick will be made up on June 16, with no makeup date set for Montgomery at New Market and Lonsdale at New Prague.
Three other games are scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, pending weather and field conditions: • Union Hill at Veseli • Elko at Prior Lake • Webster at Shakopee Check for updates at newpraguetimes. com.