Election-related letters to the editor

Election-related letters to the editor in the Oct. 24 print edition of The New Prague Times will only be rebuttals to previous letters.

There is a fee for election-related letters starting Aug. 29
The New Prague Times is charging for the publication of letters to the editor that relate to candidates for office, are a political endorsement, or relate to an upcoming election. These letters will be considered political paid ads and are subject to a $25 charge for local candidates (i.e. mayor, city council, school board).

Outside of the community such as representatives, senators, sheriffs will be charged $45. Paid before publication.Guidelines for letters to the editor for the election season are: • Letters should be 400 words or less. • The author of the letter must include their address and a daytime telephone number to be used for verification of authorship. That information will not be published. • Anonymous letters will not be published. • Letters must be received by 3 p.m. Monday to be considered for that week’s issue. Election letters were accepted up to Oct. 17, 2024 publication. Rebuttals will be published in the Oct. 24 edition. • Viewpoints expressed in the letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper.

Letters deemed libelous, repetitive in content, in poor taste or involving personal attacks will be rejected. This decision will be made by the editor. Letters to the editor on non-election issues that follow our guidelines will continue to be published free of charge. Political letters should be emailed to news@newpraguetimes.com, mailed to 200 Main St. E., New Prague, MN 56071, or delivered to the office.



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