Hello good people of New Prague and the surrounding area

We just want to take a minute today to invite you to Christmas. There are great churches in this community and we hope that you can find one that feels like home for you to worship at this year.
We represent diverse expressions, but we share a common hope: that in a manger there was born the Christ child the One who made the angels sing, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors.”
Christmas brings us together at the foot of the manger to worship a God who loves us and who comes to us into our world, into our hearts, and into our lives.
So we welcome you to come and hear this message of hope, of peace, and of promise. That unto us a child is born, Unto us a Son is given.
From our families to yours... from our churches to yours...
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Chris Flores, Pastor Christopher Mark
Pastor Jamie Prip, Pastors Ben & Alicia Hilding
Pastor Ben Bolin, Pastor Henry Koch
Pastor Kevin Clinton, Pastor Garth Heckman
Pastor Steve Trewartha