Our resolution for 2019
There’s something refreshing about starting a new year. Many people see it as a chance to make a new beginning, a time for self-improvement or a time to reassess what we’ve been doing with our lives.
And so, each year, millions of people make a list of things they want to work on in the next 12 months. These “New Year’s Resolutions” are simple statements that say what we will do in the coming year to make our lives better.
Some people will make good on these resolutions. Whether it is to lose weight, cut down or stop smoking or drinking, be more frugal with our money or spend more time with family, our lives will be better for it.
Just as many people will follow up on these resolutions for a few weeks or months, then slowly let them slip away, going back to the lifestyle they are used to.
Regardless of whether you have made resolutions, and regardless of whether you keep those resolutions that are made, The Times hopes that 2019 brings you good health and prosperity. We thank you, our readers, for making us a part of your weekly routine, and we make one resolution to you:
We will continue to do our best to bring you the news and happenings from New Prague and the surrounding area.
Happy New Year!