Proud of what they created, Busch brothers move into retirement

John Mueller,

Randy (left) and Ron Busch will retire this week after starting Busch Bros. Machining in 1987. They brought the company from Northfield to New Prague’s new industrial park in 1987. (John Mueller photo)

They started in leased space in Lonsdale, two brothers working hard to build a company they could be proud to carry the family name.

Nearly 40 years later, they are easing into retirement, deservedly proud of the machining company and jobs they created. This week, Ron and Randy Busch will end their careers with Busch Bros. Machining. Two years ago, they sold the company to Tyler Scholl and Mark Lancaster. The sale included the Busch Bros. name. The agreement also included a provision where Ron, 66, and his younger brother, 65-year-old Randy would stay on and work through the end of this month.

They know the end is bittersweet. The two brothers are pleased Scholl plans to take good care of the company and employees they brought on. They waited until the summer of 2021 to tell the staff of the sale. They’re pleased the concerns of a possible exodus of valuable employees didn’t occur.

“I think there was a lot of shock,” Ron said. “It seems like...

To see more on this story pick up the September 28, 2023 print edition of The New Prague Times. 



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