Time to gather for family stories

Patrick Fisher, The New Prague Times

Those who have been reading this column often over the years know that I sometimes dip into a mixture of humor and seriousness about what is being observed each month. On the whimsical side, November is Banana Pudding Lovers Month and National Fun with Fondue Month. More seriously it’s Diabetic Eye Disease Month, Epilepsy Awareness Month and National Diabetes Month.
One that I discovered it’s Family Stories Month. This one can go either way, but to me it’s always a good idea to talk with relatives about family stories. These can be about family history or stories about what your dad or mom did with their siblings over the summer months or in the winter. Of course some people who went trick or treating during the Halloween blizzard of 1991 are old enough to have children now. They could excite their kids with how they came home with a bucket overflowing with candy or how they trudged through the snow. Of course if your kids reply with “Not again,” it might be time to put those stories away.
For me when I was in my 20s I talked with my grandparents about what it was like to grow up in the 1920s and ‘30s. Other family members told me stories. One had to do with my Grandma Fisher, who was skeptical about North Dakota having so few trees. When she saw how it was more prairie, she supposedly said, “Goodness! There’s not a tree for miles!” Those stories, that give a person a grin or help a person learn about their family’s history of where their great-grandparents came from and how the family ended up in the town they live in are the ones that I think everyone should hear. Talking about them now when family is still around to tell them is far easier than trying to piece them together later.



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